Ankeny Xtreme Softball

2025-2026 Season

Registration Overview

Registration for the 2025-2026 is open from May 1 - June 15.   All registrants must register in the age division based on their birth date in the USSSA Age Chart.  Once a player waiver is approved to play in a different age division, the player will be moved.  All registrants must upload their birth certificates as part of the registration process.

  • 6U, 7U, 8U, 13U and 14U will register and pay their annual fees in full or via a payment plan
    • There are no tryouts at these age levels
    • For 13U & 14U, registrants that are not on a current team will be provided to coaches for individual tryouts to fill teams.
  • 9U - 12U will register and pay the $25 administrative fee.  Annual fee payment in full or payment plan establishment will occur during the team selection process
    • All 9U-12U players are required to tryout

*Ankeny Xtreme expects to form a minimum of 3 teams per age division from 9U-12U. The total number of teams formed in each age division will be determined based on the number of registrants. Registrants are not guaranteed to make a competitive team. Those not making a team will have the option of playing in the recreational league.

2025-2026 Season Timeline

April 1-15 – Coach Application Period

  • All coaches wishing to coach for the next season must fill out an application.  Please contact Competitive Program Commissioner, James Crosby, at with interest or questions.

April 15-30 – Head Coach Interviews

  • Competitive Program Committee reviews all applications and conduct interviews.

May 5-9 – Head Coach Selection & Ordering

  • Competitive Program Commissioner and Committee provide head coach recommendations to the AGSA Board for approval
  • AGSA board will determine coach for the first team (Black) to bid in each age division.

May 15-June 15 - Registration Open

  • Registration for all age divisions (6U – 14U)
  • $25 registration fee

May 15 - May 30 - Waiver Process Open

  • Players seeking to play out of their age class will be required to fill out a waiver which will create dialogue between AGSA and the parents.
  • Waivers will be approved at AGSA's June board meeting

June 23-26 - Tryouts

  • Monday, June 23: 9U
  • Tuesday, June 24: 10U
  • Wednesday, June 25: 11U & 12U
  • Thursday, June 26: Rain Makeup Date

June 24 - Team Selection Period Begins

  • The first team (Black) will bid their team first
  • Parents will have 24 hours to accept and pay or set up payment for registration fees
  • Girls who don’t receive a bid will be notified via email and will be reserved a spot in our Recreation Program


All 9U-12U players will tryout for the 2025-2026 season.  The tryout dates are as follows:

  • Monday, June 23: 9U
  • Tuesday, June 24: 10U
  • Wednesday, June 25: 11U & 12U
  • Thursday, June 26: Rain Makeup Date (all ages)

Coach Selection

Ankeny Xtreme competitive teams are selected by coaches and are named consistently in each age group as follows:

  • 1st Team = Black
  • 2nd Team = Blue
  • 3rd Team = White
  • 4th Team = Gray
  • 5th Team = Silver

All coaches are approved by the board based on desired coaching level, coaching ability and past team development and performance.  The coaches for each age division are announced prior to registration.

Team Selection

13U & 14U

Teams are formed by coaches who perform their own tryouts, as necessary.

9U – 12U

Ankeny Xtreme follows a competitive team selection process for players entering the 9U – 12U age divisions.  This process ensures to create like-skilled teams to put competitive teams on the field at all age levels and classes (A, B and C)  

6U - 8U 

Ankeny Xtreme 6U – 8U age divisions do not participate in tryouts or a bid selection process.  Teams are formed by coaches as they enter the organization and at random by the Competitive Program Commissioner as players register.



September 2018 - August 2019 birth dates

2026 Spring Season Only


September 2017 - August 2018 birth dates


September 2016 - August 2017 birth dates


September 2015 - August 2016 birth dates


September 2014 - August 2015 birth dates


September 2013 - August 2014 birth dates


September 2012 - August 2013 birth dates


September 2011 - August 2012 birth dates


September 2010 - August 2011 birth dates